


biogas, biogas plant, combustion, gas mixture, Wobbe number


The work is devoted to the important task of improving the techno-economic and ecological indicators of production by utilizing the excess heat of the enterprise waste, converting these wastes into biogas and then burning it in the boiler. The peculiarities of creation of the system production and combustion biogas on the thermal power plant of the distillery are analyzed. The basic scheme of the production biogas system production from the bard, which includes a biogas reactor, heat exchange, pumping equipment, is developed and allows to process 470 tons / day of raw materials from which to receive more than 8000 m3 / day of biogas with a possible heat of combustion 24890 kJ / m3. The description of operation of biogas production system is given. An estimation of the biogas output and the possibility of its combustion in CHP boilers in the form of a mixture with natural gas is carried out. Possible variants of combustion of a mixture of fuels and methods of studying the process of their combustion among them are analyzed: experimental, by combustion of biogas in experimental reference burners; analytical, by defining and comparing the criteria of interchangeability. The assessment of the interchangeability of fuels was carried out according to simple and extended Wobbe criteria. It is shown that according to a simple Wobbe criterion, combustion of mixtures without changing the design of the burner is impossible, but extended, only if the pressure of the mixture is increased. The analysis of problems arising in the case of combustion of biogas and its mixtures with natural gas in burners is given, the main of which is: the change of the normal velocity of propagation of the flame with the change of gas density; change in the depth of penetration of biogas streams into the air stream, which may lead to the failure of the torch; change in aerodynamic conditions of mixing gas with blown air with subsequent influence on the completeness of combustion and the thermal power of the burner. The main factors of formation of the value of commodity biogas: biodiverse, logistics, biogas production, supply, sphere of application are highlighted.

Author Biographies

Lilia Bodnar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

associate professor of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering

Dmitriy Denysiak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

post-graduate student of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering

Ksenia Ishchenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

post-graduate student of the Department of Thermal Power Engineering

Anton Lukyanets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

student of the Vinnytsia National Technical University


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How to Cite

L. Bodnar, D. Denysiak, K. Ishchenko, and A. Lukyanets, “CHARACTERISTICS OF SYNTHESIS OF THE PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND THE BIOPHASE SIZING AT SPIRTZAVODE”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 145–151, Feb. 2019.






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