


civil defense protective structures, internal engineering networks, NBC, shelter


Given the urgency of armed aggression, ensuring the safety of the civilian population is of utmost importance. Various types of structures are used for this purpose, including simple shelters, anti-radiation shelters, storage facilities, and dual-purpose structures. The construction of these facilities must be equipped with diverse internal engineering systems to ensure the livelihood of people. With the introduction of the updated State Building Code of Ukraine (DBN) B 2.2.-5:2023 [1], the requirements for the engineering support of these structures have significantly increased. This article aims to analyze the features of arranging engineering systems in these facilities, particularly ventilation systems, and provide recommendations for specific cases of ventilation and conditioning system installation.

The article examines regulatory requirements for the installation of ventilation systems in the most common civil defense structures at present - anti-radiation shelters and dual-purpose structures with NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) properties. Using the solution to a differential equation, the concentrations of carbon dioxide in rooms with people present are calculated depending on the ventilation mode: normal, reserve, and emergency. It is determined that in all cases, the concentration will not exceed the critical value. Recommendations are given for the design of ventilation systems for these buildings, and the specifics of ventilating and cooling rooms in diesel power stations for backup power supply are discussed.

It is revealed that, at significant capacities of diesel power stations, the arrangement of ventilation for cooling becomes structurally complex. Solutions to this problem are proposed. It is recommended for large NBC structures and dual-purpose structures to have two ventilation chambers with separate air intakes. This will help reduce the risks of contaminating the inflow air and prevent an increase in carbon dioxide concentration during fires near civil defense structures.

Author Biography

Viacheslav Dzhedzhula, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Construction, Urban Economy, and Architecture; Energy Auditor, Certified Design Engineer


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How to Cite

V. Dzhedzhula, “VENTILATION ARRANGEMENT FEATURES IN CIVIL DEFENSE PROTECTIVE STRUCTURES”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 185–189, Dec. 2023.






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