



Energy efficiency, window, translucent construction, hermal insulation of buildings


An analytical review of publications on the energy efficiency of translucent elements (windows, doors) of the enclosing structures of the building. The urgency of developing an expert system that would allow modeling the decision-making process in diagnosing thermal insulation at the stage of operation of the building, and was based on multicriteria analysis of elements of the building's enclosing structures. To develop such a system, the factors influencing the energy efficiency of translucent structures are analyzed. Influence factors are grouped into three blocks - technical, technological and operational. The paper analyzes a detailed analysis of each group of factors and identifies their design features, quantitative and qualitative characteristics that affect the increase in energy efficiency. The results of automated calculation of energy efficiency of windows in the program "Energy calculator of windows and doors OKNA.ua", which takes into account the quantitative characteristics of windows. The possibility of using this automated service of calculation of windows at technical inspection of the existing building and diagnosing energy efficiency of a heat-insulating cover of the building is analyzed in the work.

Author Biographies

Georgiy Ratushnyak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Professor, Head of the Department of Engineering Systems in Construction

Olga Pankevych, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Ass. Prof. of the Department of Engineering Systems in Construction

Volodymyr Pankevych, Vinnytsia National Technical University

postgraduate Faculty of Civil Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering


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How to Cite

G. Ratushnyak, O. Pankevych, and V. Pankevych, “EVALUATION OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF LIGHTTRANSPARENT ENVIRONMENTAL STRUCTURES OF BUILDINGS”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 81–87, Jun. 2022.






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