leisure entertainment system, city planning structure, quality assessment, integral indicator of quality assessmentAbstract
In order to check the efficiency of organization of the entertainment and entertainment system in the planning structure of the city, it is necessary to evaluate the level of its functioning. Since the DRZ system is an element of the city's social infrastructure, the qualitative characteristics of the system should be taken into account, and given that the system is complex and multi-level, its assessment should be carried out using an integral indicator.
The paper presents the study of the concept of quality assessment of entertainment and entertainment facilities. As a result of the research, a concept for assessing the quality of the organization of the system and a model for an integrated assessment of its quality was developed.
The effectiveness of social infrastructure is determined by the social indicators of the development of society and is reflected in the creation of the proper conditions of human life and the improvement of the combined labor force for the growth of productivity of social labor and economic efficiency of production. Distinguish the interconnected economic and social aspects of the effective territorial organization of social infrastructure.
In the economic aspect, the rational arrangement of social infrastructure creates conditions for the efficient use of the entire set of resources, which are the basis of social development in general. In its turn, the best possible consideration of the needs of the population makes it possible to improve the provision of cultural services, to create the maximum possible for certain economic conditions, the convenience of obtaining them, increase the fund and improve the structure of leisure time. Satisfying certain needs of separate territories requires a different amount of costs, so the formation of regional types of social infrastructure - the actual task of its reorganization [1].
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