bored injection piles, Boundary Element Method (BEM), bearing capacity, stress-strain state (SSS), elastoplastic problem, mathematical modeling, , plastic deformations, yield criterion, geotechnical conditionsAbstract
The article discusses the method for predicting the bearing capacity of bored injection piles constructed using the "Soletanche" technology, employing the Boundary Element Method (BEM). Considering that bored injection piles compact the soil during their installation, the study of the stress-strain state (SSS) of such structures is highly relevant.
The authors conducted mathematical modeling of the deformation process of a bored injection pile in loess clay, using solutions from an elastoplastic soil mechanics problem. The modeling was performed using an integral equation, which allows reducing the dimensionality of the problem. The main tool for calculations was the Mindlin solutions, which best corresponded to the physical nature of the problem.
The article also utilized a non-associated plastic flow rule to describe plastic deformations and the Mises-Schleicher-Botkin yield criterion. The authors presented a detailed step-by-step loading and problem-solving algorithm, considering the weighted average physical and geological characteristics of the soil.
The modeling results were compared with experimental data, confirming the validity of the proposed mathematical model. According to the obtained data, at a settlement of 2 cm, the bearing capacity of the pile using BEM was 472 kN, which closely correlates with the experimental results.
This research is of significant importance for the design of pile foundations, especially in conditions where complex geotechnical factors and nonlinear soil properties need to be considered.
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