reinforcement of foundationsAbstract
Taking into account the presence of weak soils on the territory of Ukraine, additional vertical deformations occur in soil foundations, associated with a violation of their structure. Water saturation of such soils leads to a change in VAT and affects the conditions for the reliable operation of construction objects. In this regard, it becomes necessary to strengthen the foundations of these building objects, to improve the bearing capacity of these foundations. Therefore, in practice, the search for new ways to strengthen the foundations, improve their bearing capacity is constantly being carried out. In difficult engineering and geological conditions, the deterioration of the physical and mechanical properties leads to a rise in deformations and a decrease in the bearing capacity of the foundations. Reinforcement of foundations is also necessary when constructing superstructures. In the robot, using the numerical method of boundary elements, the behavior under load of a shallow foundation on a natural basis reinforced with cross piles is predicted. Reinforcement of foundation structures requires determination of their bearing capacity and stress-strain state (SSS) after reconstruction. Normative design of foundations, based on subsidence and rolls, which are borderline permissible from the point of view of the operational suitability and reliability of structures, puts forward increased requirements for the accuracy of calculating the displacements of foundations. The complexity of the properties of soils and the many factors that influence their mechanical behavior have long been a barrier before which the mathematical methods of continuum mechanics were de-strengthened. The emergence of modern ECM allowed algebraicizing the mathematical formulation of most problems in soil mechanics, which require taking into account a large number of nonlinear determining factors and the transition to elastic-plastic models. The use of a numerical eexperiment, as never before, closely linked the physical meaning of the problem, its mathematical formulation, numerical methods of calculation and the ECM. In the robot, to obtain a forecast of the bearing capacity of a reinforced foundation, an elastic-plastic model of a discrete soil medium and a numerical MGE are used.
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