towel dryer, specific heat flow, heat supply system, AISI 304 stainless steel, heat transfer, free convection, forced convection, radiation, wall temperature, thermal boundary layerAbstract
Vinnytsia National Technical University
The operating conditions of the water-type towel dryer made of polished stainless steel AISI 304 are established, the declared capacity of towel dryers of almost the same design of different manufacturers is compared and a significant discrepancy is revealed; analyzed four methods for determining the nominal heat output of the towel dryer, taking into account the forced movement of the coolant inside the towel dryer, free or forced air movement near the surface of the towel dryer under different boundary conditions in compliance with regulations; modeling of towel dryer operation by means of Flow Simulation software module in SolidWorks; he influence of uncertainty of degree of blackness of a towel dryer surface on nominal thermal power of a towel dryer is investigated; influence of speed of washing of a heat exchange surface of a towel dryer by air on its thermal power is estimated, the received results of researches by four methods are analyzed.
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