energy efficiency, thermal conductivity, heat-insulating material, homogeneous heat flow, heating element, thermocouplesAbstract
One of the key point criteria of any thermal insulation material that determine its energy efficiency is thermal conductivity. Determination of thermal conductivity of materials of plant origin, as well as any other, can be reliably determined only experimentally. The proposed original design of an inexpensive installation for studying the thermal conductivity of heat-insulating materials of plant origin contains a heat-insulated empty body for placing the test sample and a heat source. The heat flow is created by a heating element, which consists of an upper and lower metal plate of a given thickness with a known coefficient of thermal conductivity. The volume created between the plates is filled with a layer of quartz sand to create additional homogeneous heat flow. This design of the heating element provides a homogeneous distribution of heat flux over the cross-sectional area of the test sample of the insulating material. To register the change in the magnitude of the heat flux, thermocouples are used, which are located on the inner surface of the upper plate of the heat source and on the cold side of the investigated sample of heat-insulating material. Data on temperature changes are registered by the automatic registration block.
A tubular electric heater of appropriate configuration is symmetrically attached to the lower plate along the cross-sectional area. The tubular electric heater is connected to the voltage control unit. Between the lower plane of the lower plate and the housing of the installation there is an air layer to minimize heat loss from the heating element. The coefficient of thermal conductivity, which characterizes the efficiency of the insulating material, is calculated by the known Fourier formula for the steady-state temperature regime from the input information about the temperature difference in the characteristic cross sections of the sample.
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