
  • Lilia Bodnar Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Tetiana Sologub Vinnytsia National Technical University



gasification, fuel, resin, dew point temperature, wood, peat, agricultural waste


It was noted that the use of alternative fuels for the production of thermal and electric energy in the face of energy scarcity is an urgent task of the present. The paper states that combustion of gas from low-grade solid fuels has several advantages. At the same time, it is noted that during gasification of wood, agricultural crops, peat, brown coal, as well as some types of coal, a considerable amount of resinous substances, which condense during the cooling of gas, is released. The analysis of literary information on methods of gasification of alternative types of fuels, on requirements to the content of resins in the generator gas, as well as on the properties of resins. It is shown that among the known methods of gasification, the most effective in terms of obtaining a non-slag gas is the step-by-step gasification. The information on the content of resins in the generator gas during the gasification of various types of fuels is systematized. It is noted that the pollution of the generator gas resins leads to the need to use expensive gas cleaning systems and makes it necessary to look for new ways to control the gasification process. It is shown that most of the most common technologies of biomass gasification do not meet the requirements of Diesel engine manufacturers for the content of resins in generator gas (5 - 100 mg/m3). Therefore, the most expedient way to get the generator gas for combustion in the internal combustion engine is stepped gasification. The composition of the resin has been analyzed and it is shown that among the five classes of resins the most widespread during the gasification of wood are classes 2 and 4, the temperature of the dew point of resin for them ranges from 40 to 135 ° C in the range of concentration of resin in gas from 5 mg/m3 to 10 g/m3 It is noted that information on the admissible content of resins in flue gases, which will exclude their condensation, in the direct burning of wood and other alternative types of fuel in open access.

Author Biographies

Lilia Bodnar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng), Assistant Professor of power engineering

Tetiana Sologub, Vinnytsia National Technical University



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Abstract views: 12



How to Cite

L. Bodnar and T. Sologub, “PROBLEMS OF THE USE OF GENERATOR GAS AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 160–165, Aug. 2019.






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