pile foundation, soil foundation, piles, rafters, load redistribution, rafters partAbstract
The analysis of the work of piles and rafters in the structure of the one-row ribbon pile foundation is carried out. Physical (on small-scale models) and mathematical modeling of pile foundations with different geometric parameters and in different soils are performed. The factors that influence the redistribution of load between foundation pile and low rafters and its overall bearing capacity are established.
It is established that the redistribution of the load between the pile foundation and roaster is dependent on the length and pitch of the pile. The characteristic dependences of the change in the proportion of the bearing capacity of the low rafters and piles in the composition of the one-row pile foundation are determined.
With an increase in the length of the piles, the load fraction that perceives the grill is decreasing, and vice versa, the load on the low rafters increases with increasing the distance between the piles. The range of the load fraction, which is perceived by the roaster (3-45%), does not differ significantly from the same range for the two-row foundation and columnar foundations determined by previous studies. The nature of the dependence of the load fraction of the low rafters on the operation of the foundation in sandy and clay environments does not change significantly from length and step of piles.
The bearing capacity of the piles in the foundation is not fully realized. As the load on the foundation increases, the averaged load on the pile in the foundation grows. The degree of implementation of the bearing capacity of the piles in the pile foundation depends on the relative length and pitch of the pile. Implementation of the bearing capacity of piles in the foundation increases with increasing pile steps and increasing their relative length. Despite the incomplete implementation of the bearing capacity of the piles, the total bearing capacity of the foundation exceeds the sum of the bearing capabilities of single piles and rafters.
The use of obtained dependencies in calculations will allow to provide saving of materials of piles up to 30% during designing.
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