lightweight concrete, expanded polystyrene concrete, technical carbon, density, strength, foaming agent, surfactant, thermal resistance, thermal conductivity, cement pasteAbstract
The article considers the issue of improving the thermal and mechanical characteristics of building products by introducing polystyrene foam, carbon black, and foaming agent into the mixture for their preparation. A comparison of the main thermal performance of building materials is made, and options for additives and aggregates for the new material are considered. Several approaches to improving the thermal insulation properties of the material through the optimal combination of different additives are proposed.
The main thermal engineering characteristics for improvement, such as density, frost resistance, strength, thermal conductivity, and energy efficiency, are highlighted. The options for combining fillers to ensure the density and strength of the newly formed material are considered.The influence of expanded polystyrene on reducing the weight of building material and, as a result, on reducing the load on foundations is studied. The main grades of carbon black and their main characteristics are considered. The influence of different types of carbon black on thermal conductivity and overall resistance of the material to loads is investigated. Methods for ensuring the strength of the inorganic matrix by increasing the chemical activity of the binder, reducing the water-cement ratio, and using mechanochemical activation of the binder are studied. The influence of the type of foaming agents and their technological features on the properties of concrete is investigated.
The effect of plasticizing additives on reducing water consumption and, as a result, cement consumption is considered.The problems of creating a new economically feasible and energy-efficient new building material and the prospects of using expanded polystyrene and carbon black to improve the overall efficiency of building materials are investigated. The possibilities of reducing energy consumption in the production of new building materials are analyzed.
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