energy saving; thermal accumulator (TA); heat storage material (HSM); capacitive accumulator; phase transition; alternative energy sources; heat capacity; reverse chemical reactions; endothermic and exothermic reactions.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of heat storage technologies as the main energy saving measure. The paper conducts a patent search and analyzes scientific papers that cover the issue and present the main material of existing technologies for thermal energy storage. The classification of the main types of heat accumulators (HA) and heat storage materials (HSM) is presented. Heat accumulators are classified: by the nature of accumulation; by the level of operating temperatures; by the duration of the charge-discharge period. The differences and design features of TAMs, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The main heat storage materials that are actually used or can be used in the future are identified. The thermophysical properties of heat storage materials, such as specific heat capacity, melting point, density, and density, are described.
The methodology for calculating the volume of capacitive and phase-transition heat accumulators is determined based on the following initial data: the type of heat storage material, the type and thermal characteristics of the heat carrier, and the temperature drop of the heat storage material. Examples of the practical use of capacitive batteries are given, in particular, a tank battery in a solar heating system, as well as a gravel battery in a solar vegetable garden. The use of crystalline hydrates and organic low-melting compounds (fatty acids and paraffins) as phase-transition heat storage materials is described. The characteristics of thermochemical thermal accumulators, their principle of operation, and their advantages over capacitive and phase-transition accumulation units are presented. The reactions of enrichment of traditional carbon fuels are described, and examples of reactions that can be used as heat storage processes are given. Prospects for further research are identified.
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