strip foundation, physical modeling, pile, reinforcement, grillage, short piles, degree of implementation of bearing capacityAbstract
In this work, the results of physical modeling of the strengthening of the foundation of shallow laying by transplanting on piles on small-scale models are analyzed. The redistribution of the load between the elements of the strip foundation reinforced with ready-made (precast) piles of shallow laying was studied. The operation of the existing strip foundation, its reinforcement with piles, the formation of the grid of the newly created pile foundation was simulated, while the relative length of the piles and their step along the row, the nature of the placement of the reinforcement piles (removable or arranged through the body of the foundation), and the density of the sand base were varied. The operation of models of single piles of different lengths and grid without piles as a foundation for shallow laying was also investigated. The nature of inclusion in the work of piles and the newly created grid is determined. The dependences of the load-bearing capacity of the elements of the pile foundation, the degree of realization of this load-bearing capacity when working together in the soil environment, and the relative length and pitch of the piles, and the density of the base soil are given. The specific values of the load-bearing capacity of the reinforcement piles per unit of spent material are determined.
The obtained results were analyzed regarding the difference between the inclusion of short and long piles in the work of reinforcement with a comparison of all options.
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