geodesic frame dome, spherical projection screen, tent cover, stress-strain state, climatic influences, loose of stabilityAbstract
The paper contains the further developed of method for calculating thin-walled shells with supporting frame in the form of geodesic domes without a stationary foundation. Have been performed the detailed analysis of the fundamental design solutions of frame demountable domes with tent double-layer cover, the inner layer of which serves as a projection screen of three-dimensional cinemas, which are gaining popularity in the amusement industry. Have been developed highly detailed finite element models of dome with a base diameter of 13.5 m, taking into account technological holes and structural elements of rigidity under the influence of wind, snow, ice and other climatic influences. Have been modeled at the same time, various options for connecting the dome frame to the base. Have been proven that the worst influence on the dome structures is the wind influence, based on the stability criterion. Have been proven at also that the frame-rod tented construction of the geodome cannot function safely without reliable connection to the base. Have been identified, areas of the core elements of the frame with the highest internal stresses from various loads for all possible options for connecting the frame to the base. Have been considered the general nature of deformation and possible destruction of the structure, as well as the issue of loss of stability. Have been founded that the most stressed structures include the tent cover and bolted fasteners of the joints of the rod system. Have been proposed a rational method for anchoring frame dome structures at temporary earthen construction sites using geo-screws or metal screw piles. Have been proven the possibility of anchoring the supporting elements of the dome in five polar symmetrical points using ballast. Have been formulated the constructive recommendations regarding the rational design of frame dome systems. Have been developed the technological regulations for the further safe operation of frame geo-domes, and have been outlined the directions for further scientific research on this topic.
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