insulation of houses, classification of factors, organizational and technological factors, natural and climatic factors, volumetric and structural factors, expert evaluation methodAbstract
The article is devoted to the definition and analysis of the main factors influencing the terms of insulation of the facades of multi-storey buildings. Excellent characteristics of insulation are considered, a classification of factors is proposed. All factors are divided into 4 main groups: organizational and technological, natural and climatic, space-planning and constructive. Effective methods for obtaining an assessment are given - an expert assessment. The paper presents the essence of the method of peer review, which consists in the development of a modern algorithm for conducting expert reviews on the example of insulation of the outer walls of multi-storey buildings. The main principles of applying the method of expert assessments, methods of selecting experts, mathematical formulas for calculating the required indicators, and criteria for determining the reliability of the results obtained are presented. Calculations of indicators influencing the choice of the most significant factors are given. As a result of calculations based on expert assessments, it was found that the greatest influence on the terms of insulation of facades of multi-storey buildings: methods of organizing work; the complexity of the forms of the facade; design features.
The modernity of this article is beyond doubt, since from year to year, despite the economic and political situation, the number of insulated houses is growing. This trend is driven by significant demand from end investors for residential and commercial real estate.
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