soil cement, fly ash, strength, reinforced base, designresistance, moduleof deformationAbstract
Іn this work, we searched for the optimal composition of soil cement containing different percentage of ash removal: from minor additives to the replacement of half the soil mass for ash. The search for the optimal composition was performed on the basis of experimental studies to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics.The use of soil cement with the addition of fly ash is proposed for the reinforcement of the bases by vertical reinforcing elements. In order to develop practical recommendations on the optimal composition of soil cement, a mathematical simulation of the work of reinforced soil cement fields was performed with the variation of the physical and mechanical characteristics of piles, depending on the ash content of the ash. .
Plaxis software was used for numerical simulation. With a steady step of reinforcing elements, the properties of the soil-cement mass were studied, depending on the deformability of the piles .
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