classification, reliability, linguistic variable, enclosing structures, thermal insulation, straw.Abstract
To assess the reliability of energy efficiency of multilayer insulating enclosing structures of products made of straw, their classification is proposed for quantitative and qualitative thermal, mechanical and environmental features. To identify the hierarchical relationships between the classified parameters, the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic and linguistic variables are used. The linguistic variable that describes thermal and physical factors influencing the reliability of energy efficiency of multilayer insulating enclosing structures is represented by linguistic variables density, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, coefficient of heat absorption, vapor penetration and air penetration, thermal inertia and probability of thermal cancellation. The linguistic variable, which describes the mechanical factors of influence, is represented by the linguistic variables bearing capacity, compressive power, rigidity, frost resistance and durability. The linguistic variable, which describes the environmental factors of influence, is represented by the linguistic variables: fire resistance, chemical and biological resistance, harm and sound absorption.
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