BIM technologies, construction project, project budget, software, ERP, CRMAbstract
The paper proposes a methodology for comprehensive preliminary assessment of a construction project before its development in the BIM environment. The parameters, methodology for their determination, and criteria for their evaluation are defined, which will help assess the construction project. The proposed methodology allows for a comprehensive assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of the project, taking into account the latest achievements in BIM technologies.
In particular, the study examines various aspects that affect the project's efficiency, such as construction costs, project completion time, resource utilization, and their rational distribution. Attention is also given to the competency of personnel using BIM technologies and their proficiency with specialized software tools.
The economic feasibility of using BIM technologies is considered through the lens of reducing overall construction costs due to more accurate planning and fewer errors. The use of BIM contributes to optimizing material costs, reducing expenses on design changes, and improving the accuracy of estimates. This allows clients and investors to receive more accurate financial forecasts and ensures better cost control throughout the project's lifecycle.
The paper discusses the standardization of data and the application of international standards to ensure high quality and productivity during the development of information models. Standardization promotes data consistency and improves integration between different project stages, ensuring better coordination among project participants.
The proposed methodology also includes risk analysis and the identification of uncertainties that may arise during project implementation, as well as the development of strategies to mitigate them. Implementing this methodology will enhance the efficiency of construction project management, reduce costs, and improve final outcomes.
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