mathematical modeling, experimental design, multivariate dependence, influencing factors, response surface, prevalence prediction, recycling, ash, construction, building materials, materials scienceAbstract
The object of research in the work is the waste of thermal energy enterprises, the annual volume of which in Ukraine is 8 million tons, and the increase in occupied land areas is 22 thousand hectares. In EU countries, up to 84% of such waste is recycled. Therefore, forecasting the prevalence of ash processing in the manufacture of building materials in different countries of the world from the main parameters of influence in order to solve the problem of solid industrial waste management is an urgent scientific and technical task. A study of the prevalence of ash processing in the manufacture of building materials in different countries of the world was conducted by planning a second-order experiment using the Box-Wilson method using rotatable central composite planning using the developed software protected by a copyright certificate. The purpose of the study is to determine a regression model for predicting the prevalence of ash processing in the manufacture of building materials in different countries of the world from the main parameters of influence. A regression dependence of forecasting the prevalence of ash processing in the manufacture of building materials on the main parameters of influence was obtained: the country's population density, the value of the gross domestic product per capita, the average geographical latitude of the country. It was established that, according to Fisher's test, the hypothesis about the adequacy of the obtained regression model can be considered correct with 95% confidence. The correlation coefficient was 0.99999, which indicates sufficient reliability of the obtained results. The obtained regression dependence can be used during the development of a construction waste management strategy. It was established that among the factors of influence that were considered, the prevalence of ash processing in the manufacture of building materials is most affected by the value of the gross domestic product per capita, and the least by the population density of the country. Response surfaces of the target function - the prevalence of ash processing in the production of building materials and their two-dimensional sections in the planes of the influence parameters - were constructed.
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