walls, panels, columns, consoles, conjugation, nodes, reinforcement, examinationAbstract
This paper presents the results of the study of the strength of the junctions of external wall panels and columns and crossbars and columns of the IIS-03-02 series, which was used in the construction of the building of the Faculty of Biology of the Uzhgorod State University in the city of Uzhhorod. The survey and research data, as well as the development of recommendations, which were carried out by the employees of the Physico-Mechanical Institute named after G.V. Karpenka of the National Academy of Sciences on the order of «Zakarpatzalizoboton» VO from July 19, 1991. The work describes basic information about the building, its design and construction. The main reasons that led to the need for research and development of recommendations for strengthening the junctions of panels and columns and crossbars and columns and strengthening their short consoles and support niches of panels are established. Also, the data on identified design errors, shortcomings and defects in the construction and manufacture and transportation of reinforced concrete structures are given. In particular, the own weight of panels and walls is significantly overestimated by up to 25%; in some panels, embedded parts are embedded in concrete and have deviations from the design position; also in some panels there is a deviation of up to 20-30 mm from flatness; sockets for supporting panels on the console of the columns are installed at different angles to the plane of the panel; size fluctuations between the axes of the columns in some places are higher than the norm up to 50-70 mm; poor-quality reinforcement of the panels in the places where the supporting parts of the panels rest on the short console of the column, etc. The verification calculation of the support table of the reinforcement of the column consoles and the supporting parts of the panels was performed. On the basis of field survey and relevant calculations, appropriate recommendations were developed for strengthening the joints of external wall panels and columns and crossbars and columns. In particular, the elimination of identified shortcomings and defects, ensuring the bearing capacity of short cantilevers of the IIS-04-02 series for seismic loads for the construction area of 7 points.
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