energy efficiency, regulatory framework, hinged ventilated facade, multifunctional properties of ventilated facadesAbstract
The article shows that a large percentage of the housing stock of Ukraine is represented by panel houses of the mass series of construction in the 1960s-1980s, which were built with understated indicators of the normative requirements for the thermal resistance of the enclosing structures.
It is shown that the underestimated indicators of the thermal resistance of the building envelope led to excessive energy consumption per m2 of the outdated housing stock, which exceeds the indicators of the EU countries by 2.0-2.5 times. The construction industry accounts for more than 30-40% of all energy sources for the maintenance of outdated housing.
The article compares the growth of the thermal resistance of fencing structures in European countries and Ukraine.
An important place in the protection of buildings from the influence of atmospheric phenomena of the environment, their increased energy efficiency and giving a modern appearance to outdated objects is occupied by hinged ventilated facades. Prospects for expanding the functional properties of hinged facades are shown, which provide energy generation due to their cladding with solar panels and energy savings during building cooling due to the installation of textile ventilated facades.
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