tank, methanol, stress-strain state, seismic load, magnitude, impulsive and convective pressureAbstract
The paper contains the methods of analytical modeling of the seismic loads at the large-sized tanks in the form of impulsive and convective hydrodynamic pressures of the liquid. Have been performed the simulation of the stress-strain state of the tank by the finite element method basis on the developed mathematical models of seismic impact. The simulation takes into account the distortion of the tank’s geometry, obtained as a result of long-term operation and reduction in the strength of tank structures due to corrosive wear. Have been considered the generally accepted foreign method for calculating seismic resistance for assessing the strength and durability of tank’s building structures. The method is adapted to the requirements of national standards. Have been revealed that the most dangerous state for the tank is seismic action with a horizontal direction cosine as a result of the analysis of possible design situations. Have been performed the numerical calculations using the proposed method of analytical modeling of seismic impact for a tank with a volume of 20 000 m3, built in the Yuzhny city, Odessa region. Have been determined the estimated height value of the excited wave, which can appear on the surface of methanol during a seismic shock. Have been proven that in order to preserve the integrity of the roof structures, as well as to ensure the seismic resistance of other structures, the filling of the tank with the product should be limited to 61% of the total design capacity. Have been verified the most overloaded sections of the shell, which are the supporting layers of the side wall, as well as the most probable limit conditions during a seismic shock (buckling).
Have been developed the technological regulations for further safe operation of tank based on seismic resistance and outlined directions for further scientific research on this topic.
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