housing construction, population depopulation, housing conditions, housing affordabilityAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the causes of depopulation of the population of Ukraine and identified the relationship between changes in the demographic situation of the country and the availability of access to housing. The UN forecasts on changes in the population of post-Soviet countries are given. It is shown that the reduction in the population of Ukraine during the century will reach 45%. In the 30 years of independence, the population has shrunk by about 10 million. The most active part of women and men aged 25-35 is leaving the country. The catastrophic situation is the excess of mortality over the birth rate by more than 2 times and a significant reduction in the birth rate. Ukraine is a leader in population depopulation among European and post-Soviet countries. The average regional center "disappears" from the map of Ukraine in terms of population every year.
A comparative analysis of housing construction in Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries is given. During the 30 years of independence, Ukraine has not reached the total volume of housing construction in 1990. Relative volumes of housing construction (m2 / person per year) in Ukraine are several times lower than the level of this indicator in neighboring countries. Due to lack of access to housing, more than 60% of young people aged 18-34 are forced to live with their parents. Excessively high credit rates and low wages significantly impede access to housing and lead to excessive migration outside the country. The lack of real measures to change the negative trend of population decline creates problems leading to irreversible population losses. It is proposed to implement a number of measures that will contribute to the growth of housing construction, which will have a positive impact on demographic processes in the country.
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