Energy efficiency, hermal insulation shell of buildings, translucent construction, panoramic window, thermal resistanceAbstract
The use of glass fencing structures - panoramic windows in the residential segment of modern city development is investigated. The peculiarities of the use of panoramic windows in the residential segment of the region are determined. An analysis of scientific publications in magazines with the impact - a factor and the approaches to increasing the energy efficiency of the thermal insulation shell of the building with glass elements of the facade are determined. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of panoramic windows in terms of heat engineering properties of a fencing structure are outlined.
It is determined that according to the normative method of calculating the given thermal resistance, there may be a significant difference in calculating the entire facade and design for one room. To confirm the comparative calculation, which resulted in the resulting thermal resistance for a fragment of the facade (where there are two windows) is 3,3 m2 K / W (corresponding to the requirements of the normative value), and when calculating the fragment of this facade of a separate room with a panoramic window with a panoramic window. The result of the given thermal resistance is 2,6 m2 K / W (which is significantly lower than the normative value).
The factors influencing the technical state of panoramic windows are outlined and lead to a decrease in the heat-insulating characteristics of the enclosing structures of the building; As well as measures and organizational and technical solutions, which allows the use of panoramic windows in modern housing construction.
It is proposed for the heating of premises with panoramic windows of the scheme of placement of heating systems, namely: installation of vertical radiators on the side of the double-glazed windows; Planting a convector-type floor battery; arrangement of the system "Warm floor" and combined systems; internally floor convectors; infrared heaters; Installing slit or plinth convectors in the floor below the window, on the wall or ceiling.
Recommended investors of new apartments to pay attention not only to the facade of the facade in the design decisions of external enclosures of buildings with the use of panoramic windows, as well as technical solutions of windows, ventilation and heating systems, which significantly affect the energy efficiency of the future apartment.
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