soil vibromonitoring, vibrodynamic influences, acceleration spectra, buildings, soil, structural oscillationsAbstract
In this work the problem is formulated and its urgency is substantiated. The plan of location of objects and engineering-geological conditions of the construction site are given. Structural solutions of sheet piling of the pit and protective screen and characteristics of the technical condition of adjacent buildings are presented. Vibrodynamic equipment for pile pressing is considered. The analysis and synthesis of scientific and technical sources and normative documents is carried out. The purpose of research is formulated. The results of vibrodynamic examinations and their analysis are presented. In particular, according to the program, records of vertical and horizontal accelerations of the soil and structures of adjacent buildings at the level of the foundation during various operations on the installation of bored piles. The figures show the time signals of horizontal and vertical accelerations and amplitude spectra. Data on vertical and horizontal accelerations of structures будів1 and building №2 and their comparison with admissible SWD norms are also given. It is noted that the made vibration protection screen in the soil of the foundation of the existing building allows to reduce horizontal vibration accelerations of the soil by 2-3 times, vertical 1.2-1.3 times. In particular, it was found that the adjacent buildings may be affected by vibrodynamic loads during the construction of a new building in a densely built-up city. The conclusions of researches are resulted and recommendations in which all technological process with observance of normative requirements of the device of bored piles under protection of casings for the purpose of minimization of vibrodynamic influence on existing buildings are formulated.
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