thermal conductivity, energy efficiency, thermal insulation shell, expert evaluation, logical tree, linguistic variables, term setAbstract
The classification of the factors influencing decision-making at an estimation of thermal conductivity of a heat-insulating cover of the building is offered. The relationship between the parameters of the thermal state of the thermal insulation of buildings and its energy efficiency is presented in the form of a logical conclusion tree. The logical inference tree at the system level characterizes the ratio of parameters that affect thermal conductivity.
To create a mathematical model for expert assessment of the technical condition of the thermal insulation of the building, it is advisable to use the apparatus of fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory. The formalization of quantitative and qualitative factors influencing the thermal efficiency of the building insulation shell has been carried out. When assessing the technical condition of the thermal insulation of the building (energy efficiency), quantitative and qualitative factors of influence are expressed through linguistic variables. Estimation of levels of linguistic variables is represented by term sets. Thermal conductivity as a factor in the thermal insulation of a building is related to the normative classification of energy efficiency of buildings in force in Ukraine.
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