


pesticides, remediation, soil restoration, ecological risks, environmental threats, Vinnytsia region


The main threats to the environmental safety of Vinnytsia and Vinnytsya oblast in the field of the use and storage of pesticide and chemical wastes are presented in this work. The analysis of threats to ecological safety from pesticides, which consist of pesticide-contaminated soils, compositions and places of storage of pesticides and contaminated groundwater. The data of the Department of Agricultural Development, Ecology, and Natural Resources of Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration is presented, and it was analyzed how effective the cleaning of the territory of Vinnytsia Oblast was from the non-standard CWCP, and which components of this problem remain relevant and dangerous. It was established that four districts can be considered as cleared from the remains of unsuitable pesticides, in particular, Vinnytsia, Lipovetsky, Nemyrivsky, and Khmelnytsky, while in the Teplitsky, Tyvrivsky and Shargorodsky districts the situation with unsuitable pesticides is critical. In recent years, the process of export of pesticides abroad has been stopped due to significant costs, but work on inventory and re-stocking is constantly taking place. During the inventory of pesticides, new places of storage of non-conforming pesticides are detected.

In addition to pesticides, there are an industrial waste on the territory of the region, which also creates chemical threats to environmental safety. These include waste from the 45th experimental plant, Khimprom, Plant Oreol, Terminal Plant, and others. The chemical classification of pesticides is given and according to the statistics, the most widely used in Ukraine are chlorinated and phosphorous pesticides. Among the most chemically dominated regions, the leaders are Vinnytsya, Khmelnytsky and Kirovograd regions in 2018.

The methods of penetration and penetration of pesticides into soils are given and the main ways of their restoration and reclamation are analyzed. Among the most optimal methods of restoration is the removal of heat treatment and biological reclamation with phytomelioration. It is suggested to use strains of microorganisms: Agrobacterium radiobacter, Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., Micrococcus sp., Proteus sp., Xanthomonas sp., Ankistrodesmus falcatus, A. nannoselene, Selenastrum capricornutum, and plants are able to reduce the toxicity of pesticides: ordinary beans and one-year sunflower.

Author Biography

Roman Petruk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc.(Eng), Associate Professor of ecology and ecological safety department


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Abstract views: 13



How to Cite

R. Petruk, “ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL THREATS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY IN VINNYTSА REGION”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 160–165, Dec. 2020.






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