hospitality industry, hotel, restaurant design, landscape design, competitiveness, building pryrodointehrovaniAbstract
To date, landscaping plays an important role, both in aesthetic and general terms. Green spaces are of multifunctional importance: sanitary, hygienic, protective, architectural and artistic, fire-fighting, recreational. The use of landscape design in the landscaped area is to improve the quality of life of a person and to create favorable recreational conditions, which is an integral element of the activity and ensuring a high level of competitiveness of hospitality establishments.
The article deals with the dependence of the level of competitiveness of hotels on the spatial and spatial solution of the composition of the adjacent territory, gives definitions of terms, as well as a description of the concepts of "design" and "landscape design", comparatively actual prices for accommodation in similar in the level of service of hotels with landscape design of the organization spatial territory.
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