mathematical model, impregnation, capillary-porous body, concrete, saturation, impulses of fluid pressure, impregnating fluidAbstract
Considering the technologies, that used impregnation concrete based product are used today, a mathematical model is being relevant for developed that has impregnated concrete sections for the use of impulse pressure loading.
As for the physical results, they reach saturation in their lives, and in this case mathematical modeling of models in capillary-porous structures of concrete analysis is presented and justified when using hydro-impulse equipment, which may correspond to a harmonic cycle of pressure of impregnation form for sinusoidal.
According to the mathematical modeling, the obtained results were obtained in mathematical rulers, which allow to see the basic technological parameters of the process of impregnation of concrete samples. The placement of the products of production occurs in pairs and in capillaries of the solid body, which is caused by a pressure drop in dense samples when applying a pulsed saturation mode. In doing so, the internal pressure of the capillary forces was taken into account, the pressure was pulsed, the pressure was lost to overcome the strong friction in the capillary (pore), and also the air was retained in a closed pore. Analyzing the geometric features of the crystal structure of the cement stone, it is necessary to make a geometric model of the pore and capillary. Updated the link between the change between the flat impregnating fluid in the fields and quickly located on the inlet and primary capillaries on the Internet, impregnation time. In addition, the parameters were described in the mathematical system by the radio-determination of the pores and the junction area of the connecting capillaries, which used a mathematical model in the case when concrete samples that were very important and porosity were impregnated. We also propose to use mathematical delays to block the pressure of the impregnating composition in closed and open pores with the inlet and outlet ducts by which the pores of the impregnating composition were filled.
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