electromagnetic radiation, composite material, fine-grained concrete, radioprotective materials, shielding of electromagnetic radiationAbstract
The analysis of the correspondence of the enclosing structures of the objects of the existing construction of the period of industrialization to the modern requirements for the structures of the outer shell of the objects of residential and public purpose. The substantiation of the necessity to develop scientific and project activity in the field of thermal modernization of real estate objects has been substantiated. The effects of electromagnetic pollution on the environment are considered. It is noted that the problem of reducing the levels of electromagnetic pollution of the premises is urgent for the modern conditions of exploitation of the objects of the housing stock at the same time, due to the improvement of the heat-protective haracteristics of the enclosing structures of the building. The negative effects of such anthropogenic factor have led to the rapid development of computer and radio-electronic technologies, which gives rise to new sources of generation of electromagnetic effects on the environment. The possibility of using fine-grained concretes with dispersed metal aggregate for the manufacture of a new type of construction products of porous structure with polyfunctional properties is substantiated. Graphical interpretations of the results of experimental studies of the influence of the recipe-technological parameters of obtaining the products of the cellular structure on the physical-mechanical properties of the samples are presented. Optimal component compositions of raw mixtures have been established. The constituent stages of the methodology of research of the radio-shielding characteristics of the samples are determined, the conditions of the tests are substantiated. Graphical models of influence of technological parameters of sample production on the ability of cellular metal-filled concretes to absorb and disperse the penetrating fluxes of electromagnetic radiation are constructed. The factors of influence on the technology of forming a new type of cellular concrete with polyfunctional properties are considered. Proposed directions of introduction of the received environmentally effective building materials for the thermal modernization of elements of the enclosing structures of buildings while providing favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions indoors, thanks to the screening of dispersed-filled semiconductor structures.
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