innovations, innovation activity, innovative processes, constructionAbstract
The construction industry is extremely sensitive and dependent on the general state of the economy. After all, during periods of financial crises in the country, construction indicators deteriorated significantly faster than the average economy, and the restoration of activity of enterprises of the industry was slower than other types of activity. This determines the importance of activating innovation in the industry, aimed at leveling up the negative fluctuations caused by the close dependence on the macroeconomic state. The effectiveness of innovation in the construction sector enterprises is due to the interconnection of many factors, including the potential of science, the structure of production, the resource base and the system of enterprise management, the effectiveness of the methods of stimulation by the state. Effective innovation processes in the construction industry are a factor in increasing the competitiveness of each individual manufacturer. There are many factors of restraint of innovation activity at the enterprises of the branch, in our opinion, the main ones in this field can be considered: legislative, market, managerial. The construction industry, unlike, say, machine-building, is not considered as determining the technological development of the economy. However, a large proportion of the cost of construction in investment projects can not but affect the decision on investing in all areas of activity, which confirms the need for innovative processes in the industry. The construction company in its innovation and investment activities should strive to increase the competitiveness of its products and services by reducing operating costs, prices, improving the quality, energy, environmental and functional parameters of products.
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