Aeration, construction, air flow, territory, reconstruction, microclimate.Abstract
The article examines the problems associated with the aeration of urban areas. The relationship between the aeration regime and the objects of the urban environment is revealed. The impact of building features and landscaping on the aeration regime of the territory was studied. Taking into account the aeration regime in residential buildings is necessary to regulate the temperature-humidity regime, gassiness and dustiness of the air, substantiation of the density of the housing stock, the efficiency of the use of the city territory, etc. However, there is no theoretical knowledge that reveals the influence of volumetric and spatial decisions of development and reconstruction of residential buildings on the aeration regime of the territory. The rapid growth of the urban population presents architects, designers and builders with a number of tasks to increase the built-up area. Increasing the efficiency of the use of the urban environment provokes the development of high-rise buildings and complexes and an increase in the density of buildings. In this regard, when evaluating design solutions for territory planning projects and construction projects for the development of microdistricts and quarters, among the issues related to insolation, it is necessary to take into account the distribution, speed, direction of wind flows and the area of development, which, in turn, directly related to pedestrian bioclimatic comfort and the problem of formation of zones with reduced wind speeds, containing in the air an increased concentration of harmful substances in the form of gases and chemically active dust. To determine the relationship of the aeration regime with objects of the urban environment, physical and technical factors that shape the climate at all levels, it is necessary to investigate the scheme of their interaction as the basis of the quality of human living space. The limits of the aeration regime during the development of urban housing determine the microclimate of urbanized urban areas with existing residential buildings.
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