Rehabilitation, industrial areas, environment, renovation, restoration.Abstract
This article examines the problems and potential of degrading industrial areas. An overview of the experience of revitalization of industrial zones is presented. The capture of valuable territories by industrial development was generally due to the rapid industrial development, as well as the extensive direction of industrialization. Since it is obvious that the majority of industrial enterprises in the form in which they functioned cannot be restored, there was a need for mass transformation (reconstruction), intensification of use and repurposing of industrial zones of cities. A group of factors influencing the expediency of renovation of industrial territories was identified. These are constructive, economic, aesthetic, social, historical and environmental factors. Several directions, methods and techniques of adapting the industrial heritage to the modern context of the city are considered. With the development of the city, there was a need to change its urban planning. The most important in the modern plan of the city development is the problem of industrial zones, which are located in the historical center of the city and are of interest both for the city itself and for investors. Depressed industrial zones, in which renovation is taking place, get a second chance: the construction of housing, commercial premises, and infrastructure is blowing up there. However, rehabilitation requires complex and lengthy legal preparation of the project, demolition of old buildings, relocation of engineering communications, land reclamation. The article also provides examples of industrial zones adapted to modern urban conditions in other countries. Issues of problems that arise during the development of industrial zones are considered. The purpose of this study is to analyze the rehabilitation process, its feasibility and effectiveness in the conditions of an urbanized city, for this, analog examples of the transformation of industrial territories and their infrastructures were considered, and the experience of different countries was analyzed.
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