



hydrophobization, construction materials, construction structures, concrete, cellular concretes, aerated concrete, foam concrete, brick, capillary-porous body, impregnation, saturation, water resistance, moisture protection


Hydrophobization of construction materials is a relevant area in the context of processing construction materials to improve their properties. Moisture protection significantly enhances the performance characteristics of materials, increases their durability, and reduces maintenance and repair costs. Modern technologies, equipment, and materials open up new opportunities for effective hydrophobization, making this area of construction material improvement an integral part of modern construction.

The article discusses current approaches to hydrophobization of construction products, including methods of surface and volumetric hydrophobization. The main principles and technological aspects of the hydrophobization process, which include the use of hydrophobizing agents and methods of their impregnation, are described. Theoretical foundations and analysis results of literary sources dedicated to this topic are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of applying different technologies in construction practice are highlighted. It is established that modern hydrophobization technologies do not always ensure the necessary level of efficiency in the hydrophobic treatment of construction products, thus requiring improvement. In view of this, the most promising direction is identified as volumetric hydrophobization of construction materials, which involves the impregnation of hydrophobic compositions into the capillary-porous structures of samples using vacuum and excess pressure.

Equipment for cyclic hydrothermal saturation and its use for hydrophobization of construction products is proposed. Special attention is given to the analysis of the effectiveness of this method compared to traditional hydrophobization methods in the context of improving water resistance and frost resistance of construction materials. A description of the equipment's operation, which involves impregnating construction products through pulsed changes in the pressure of the hydrophobizer with specified temperature, pressure magnitude, and pulse repetition frequency, is provided.

Author Biography

Oleh Horyun, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Assistant of the Department of Engineering Systems in Construction, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering


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