


concrete, reinforced concrete, structure, degradation, corrosion, reinforcing bars, defects, chemical processes, concrete carbonation


In this work, based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific and technical sources, the problem of degradation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of workshops at chemical industry plants is formulated and its relevance is noted. A number of works on the specified problem are analyzed, in particular, the results of technical diagnostics of many buildings and structures, both newly built and in long-term operation, are described. The need for periodic technical diagnostics is noted and the appropriate proposals are formulated to restore (strengthen) the load-bearing capacity of such structures. Based on the completed full-scale studies of reinforced concrete structures in long-term operation of workshops in chemical industry plants, the main factors that significantly affect the reduction of the load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures in aggressive air conditions at chemical industry enterprises are summarized. In particular, the following reinforced concrete structures were examined: columns, beams, trusses, covering slabs and wall panels and other structures at the Caustic Soda and Chlorine Plant (KSiH) and other plants of V.O. "Chlorvinyl" in the city of Kalush, Ivano-Frankivsk region, which were installed in 1968-1973. The destruction of the paint coating due to the action of wet gases HCl and Cl2, the destruction of ribbed panels with a paint coating due to the action of dry chlorine in the calcium tetrachloride workshop, as well as the action of salt corrosion, and the destruction of pipeline supports due to the action of dry chlorine are noted. These destructions are presented in this paper and shown in fig. 1. They are concluded to the following: to mistakes made during design; to defects and shortcomings in construction; to shortcomings in the operation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, in aggressive environments. Recommendations for protecting reinforced concrete structures in accordance with the aggressive environments, which they are operated in, are given.

Author Biographies

Joseph Luchko, Lviv National University of Nature Management

Dr. Department of Building Structures

Anna Horbachevska, Lviv Polytechnic National University

assistant of the department of highways and bridges


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Abstract views: 52



How to Cite

J. Luchko and A. Horbachevska, “DEGRADATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE WORKSHOP STRUCTURES AT CHEMICAL INDUSTRY FACTORIES”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 190–196, Dec. 2023.






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