residential building, window, blast wave, glass, destruction, damage, protection, translucent structure, building envelopeAbstract
The article is devoted to the definition and identification of the main factors that determine the safety of residential windows with regard to the blast wave. The author analyzes the regulatory framework that defines the requirements for the safety of window structures in the design of residential buildings. It has been determined that the building codes of Ukraine regulate and standardize two aspects of window safety: protection against intrusion by unauthorized persons and protection against people falling out of residential buildings. The issue of window safety in the event of a blast wave is not currently defined in the regulatory framework. The article considers modern approaches and methods of researching the resistance of windows to blast waves, which are currently represented by the works of scientists from Germany, Great Britain, China, and Ukraine. The location and most possible failure modes of a simple window are determined. The paper analyzes the performance of different types of glass under blast wave action and demonstrates the failure mode of laminated tempered glass. Ways to improve the safety of window structures during a blast wave are presented. Based on the analysis, the factors that affect the safety of windows, in particular when exposed to blast waves, are identified. The factors affecting the safety of windows under the influence of blast waves are divided into four groups. The first group of factors is the area of glass areas of the window. The second group of factors is the stability of the glass unit, which is determined by the type and thickness of the glass, its strength, and the number of glass sheets in the package. The third group of factors is determined by the total area of the window and the quality of its fixing. The fourth group of factors is determined by the location of the building and its proximity to important infrastructure facilities and objects of strategic importance. The necessity of developing a methodology for selecting windows with rational glazing parameters and developing an indicator of the protection of the population in residential buildings from secondary explosion factors is determined.
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