sustainable development of cities, transport,, car,, parking,, problems,, solutions.Abstract
The increase in the number of people living in cities leads to an increase in the number of transport and the emergence of transport problems, such as traffic jams, air pollution and the lack of a sufficient number of parking spaces. To effectively manage urbanization processes, sustainable and innovative approaches to urban planning, infrastructure construction, access to housing, education and health care need to be developed. Creating an efficient system of public transport, green zones, stimulating sustainable consumption and energy efficiency are important steps towards sustainable urban development.
Increasing the flow of vehicles, in the process of urbanization, leads to a decrease in the quality of life for residents of settlements and makes our cities less attractive to tourists. Such problems are especially threatening for cities with limited territory or with historical buildings, where narrow streets and the lack of a sufficient number of car parks complicate the situation. However, proper planning and management can help cities become more viable and comfortable to live in, ensuring a high quality of life for residents.
So, to implement rational methods of dealing with transport problems of our time at the regional level, it is worth turning to successful examples of world society.
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