energy efficiency, energy consumption, energy demand, thermal resistance, primary energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissionsAbstract
The relevance of paying attention to the energy efficiency of buildings, which will reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and electricity and reduce harmful emissions into the environment, is shown. The energy efficiency indicators of the public building were analyzed, namely the thermal resistance of the enclosing structures, the specific energy demand for heating, cooling and hot water supply, the specific energy consumption of the building for heating and cooling, the specific consumption of primary energy and the specific emissions of greenhouse gases.
The effect of increasing the normative thermal resistance of the outer wall of the building on the required thickness of the insulation was evaluated. It is indicated that under the conditions of a large facade glazing ratio and compliance with the regulatory thermal resistance of the fences, the building does not meet the requirements for specific energy consumption for heating, cooling and hot water supply.
The influence of the heat source for heating the building on its specific energy consumption, energy efficiency class, specific consumption of primary energy and specific emissions of greenhouse gases was studied. Considered options for using a gas boiler, a condensing gas boiler, electric heaters, a biomass pellet boiler and connection to a centralized heat supply system. The effectiveness of the implementation of reversible heat pump equipment for heating and cooling of buildings is substantiated
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