Planning the experiment, shell, concrete, deformations, cyclicity, eccentricityAbstract
A new construction of cylindrical load-bearings support of buildings is offered, that has an alternative reinforced concrete and with using of several different ways of indirect use. Shell is introduced for the view of the new construction sieved sheet, that is created from non-exit technology using imbibitions and extrusion of the steel sheet itself..
For gaining the maximum amount of advantages and disadvantages from the introduced us reinforced concrete elements with mesh shell. The most efficient is method is a comprehensive research of introduced construction, as well as an already known researches of reinforced concrete with mesh shell. That's why, when we are calculating labor, material intensity and cost of these experimental researches. Keep in mind that this is promtly and relevant researches. In this work while planning the experiment some things were taken to consideration: best way for the construction to give the weight to reinforced concrete part and how to define the level of influence of factors like this: cyclicity, eccentricity, type of shell, thickness and diameter of shell, durability of concrete and deformation of reinforced concrete constructions.
So, to get the most reliable information from these researches with minimal waste, we need to optimize parameter of load-bearing capacity and deformation and parameter of restriction-destruction. A calculation was made for optimizing the experiment about minimal amount of researches and conditions where they are done, and that is enough to salve the problem precisely.
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