industrial waste, building materials, complex binderAbstract
This article provides information on the possibility of integrated use of phosphogypsum, metal sludge and red bauxite sludge in the manufacture of construction products.
The aggravation of the ecological and economic situation in Ukraine requires the development of new efficient technologies for processing and use of man-made industrial waste from the chemical industry. Such technologies should ensure their maximum degree of use in the manufacture of construction products. The choice of technology for the preparation, processing and use of industrial waste depends on a number of factors, namely the chemical-mineralogical and particle size distribution and method of production. Although such wastes are mostly used as aggregates, their overall use remains low. The share of their use in the manufacture of construction products is only 10 - 12%.
It has been established that in the presence of open dumps phosphogypsum and red bauxite sludge are a source of pollution of the surrounding areas.
Large-scale use of phosphogypsum is hampered by its specific features: the presence in its composition of phosphoric and sulfuric acid and water-soluble harmful compounds of phosphorus and fluorine. Therefore, before using phosphogypsum, it is necessary to neutralize harmful impurities and reduce the concentration of acid residues. The most effective method of using phosphogypsum, fine powders of sludge steel SHH-15 and red bauxite sludge is the integrated use of such waste, resulting in metal-phosphate and metal-ash-phosphate binder.
Key words: industrial waste; building materials; complex binder.
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