construction management, construction management template, full investment and construction cycle enterprise, information and communication technologiesAbstract
The results of the study of the management processes of enterprises of the full investment and construction cycle were presented. The principles of using the new information and communication concept "construction management template" were analyzed. Its essence is to create an information and communication model used to make and monitor design, technological, organizational, operational and economic decisions throughout the construction project. The new concept of "construction management template" served as a basis for developing a multidimensional model of organization of enterprises of the full investment and construction cycle. The principle of this model is to compare the factors of sustainable development of the enterprise with its organizational units and determine the appropriate performance indicators. This allows balanced distribution of business processes and responsibilities between the structural units of the organization. Based on the multidimensional model of the organization, a model of management areas of enterprise of the full investment and construction cycle was proposed. This model shows the management areas of investment and construction project to be taken into account and their affiliation to the unit. This model makes it possible to develop the algorithm for improving the management methods of these enterprises by reducing the intermediate hierarchical links and creating additional contours of production control. This is achieved by increasing the transparency of production, namely: using single unifying information and communication tool that allows to automate a number of business processes; structuring project information so that senior management can obtain it without the need for intermediate hierarchical management; detecting of discrepancies between the activities of different departments in the creation and editing of information and communication model. The corresponding technical and economic effect is to reduce management costs, increase the accuracy and speed of management and, ultimately, reduce the duration of construction.
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