spring-plastic forecast, prejudice and development of runtsAbstract
The robot is attributed to the current nutrition of geomechanics and the foundation of the foundation - the more sophisticated methodology for developing boundary problems of nonlinear behavior based on the options of the foundation structures of the paramedal fingers, because of the possibility of predicting the standard of the awkward and simple form of the environment. In robots, there is an adequate model for the continuation of robots of the longest fingers for the current numerical MGE. Doslidzheno has an effect on overclocking in the active zones of the paramedic palate from the zones of lesser damages to the zones and more damages with the higher values of the deformation module. The main problem is the main problem in predicting precipitation and forecasting the permissible pressure on the soil. To this, respect in robotics is attached to the dilatancy theory and methods of modeling excessive plastic deformations in soil with the help of practical application. The emergence of significant experimental studies led to the appearance of models, such as to create a model of a plastic, unsuspecting body. To the runts of power, unique rheological power. So, with the implementation of one-hour squeezing and zsuvu in the fallowness due to the intensity of the skin, the soil can be degraded, it can take the smallest degree of insecurity. About me the expansion of the ground is obov'yazkovo supervised by deformities of the supine.
For the first time experimentally evoked by Reynolds [2,5]. The application of the numerical MGE to the definition of practical problems of geomechanics, the process of establishing the basics and the permissible navantage on them, is rimmed with theoretical wedges, and is illustrated and illustrated by the data of the numerical design. Rational design of palm foundations is a great labor task, the connections are carried out on the EOM
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