city, underground space, urbanization, infrastructure, underground complexes, architectural and spatial organization of the territoryAbstract
The article examines the study of the development of modernization and transformation of the urban environment. Some issues of underground space development in urban conditions are considered, the stages of evolution of underground urban planning are singled out and characterized. Examples of development and rational use of underground space are given and analyzed. The underground space is considered as a valuable renewable georesource of the metropolis, which can actively contribute to the sustainable development of the city. This should take into account a number of factors that affect the ecology of the underground environment, the state of the hydrogeological environment and existing buildings and structures.
Overconcentration of population, infrastructure and industrial production leads to overload of the geoecological and hydrogeological environment. In domestic and foreign practice there is a tendency to combine trade and household enterprises, entertainment, cultural, educational, administrative and sports institutions, transport facilities in large complexes with an underground part.
The main meaning of the development of underground space - saving surface area within the city. This method of reconstruction of urban spaces is used mainly in the areas of the most intensive traffic flows and intersections, in the areas of industrial nodes and areas of utility and warehousing.
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