revitalization, public buildings, Vinnytsia cityAbstract
Today, the problem of rational use of urban space is acute due to the constant growth of urban population and urbanization of the world in general. The aging of construction stock in the city center requires the reconstruction or reconstruction of certain buildings and structures.
The article defines the concept of "revitalization" and the general features of this process, its advantages and disadvantages. The urgency of revitalization for the cities of Ukraine is determined and the need to restore not only factories but also public buildings in the center of these settlements is highlighted.
In the course of writing this work, the foreign experience of revitalization of public buildings in the already formed urban spaces and several works of domestic scientists on the topic of revitalization as a method of environmental restoration were analyzed.
The center of Vinnytsia has been studied for the presence of buildings that could be subject to revitalization, study of their previous purpose and assessment of the current state.
An analysis of the problems that may arise during the revitalization of abandoned public buildings and areas in the center of Vinnytsia was also conducted. After the study, based on the results obtained, ways to eliminate these problems and variations of technical solutions required for construction work are identified.
The peculiarities of the introduction of revitalization of public buildings in the center of Vinnytsia have been clarified.
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