physical and mechanical properties of rocks, cohesion, angle of internal friction, slope safety factor, landslide hazardAbstract
The paper is based on a comparative analysis of modern approaches using deterministic, statistical and graphic-analytical models and techniques for determining the strength properties of soft rocks to predict slope failure and landslide hazard. To assess the stability of natural and man-made slopes, the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion is often used, the main values of which are the cohesion (C) and the angle of internal friction (φ). The deterministic approach involves obtaining the values of these properties as a result of laboratory testing of soft rock specimens on shearing devices under the impact of normal and tangent loads. However, these calculated values depend on how to draw a direct line tangent to Mohr circles, which is a significant disadvantage. The probabilistic approach for determining the strength properties takes into account a certain range of C and φ values for soft rocks in changing geo-climatic conditions for adequate prognosis of slope stability and landslide danger.
The results of calculations of stability for hypothetical slopes with heights of 20 m and 30 m are obtained by means of determined parameters C and φ and with probabilistic values of these indicators.
A graphic-analytical approach for determining the strength characteristics of mine rocks is proposed. The technique for determining the strength properties of soil or mine rocks through the construction of a curve of boundary states at three points tangential to the boundaries of the Mohr circles corresponding to the limits of tensile strength, compression strength and shear strength is substantiated. The scientific novelty of the technique is to combine the results of laboratory tests of rocks specimens due to compression and shear, the analytical determination of the tensile strength through the formula and drawing the boundary state curve. The practical value of the proposed technique of the plotting a passport of the rock strength is the ability to more accurately calculate the physical and mechanical properties of rocks and predict the processes of their failure.
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