hotel, style, hotel architecture, architectural and planning organization of hotelsAbstract
The article covers historical, social, economic and other factors that directly or indirectly contributed to the formation of temporary accommodation for people in the path of their professional or other type of activity. The reasons for the appearance of concept hotels in the world are analyzed. The reasons for the appearance of concept hotels in the world are analyzed. The experience of different countries is examined, as well as the precedents of conceptual hotels are revealed. An attempt was made to organize and classify concept hotels. Analyzed the most common type of conceptual hotels - luxury hotel. The basic tendencies are revealed, conclusions of the study are made. An attempt is made to follow the development of this type of accommodation and the current state of hotel architecture. Different types of hotel structures are presented in the work. The architectural and planning features of the hotels and the evolution of the hotel architecture over the last two centuries are outlined. Bright examples of development of architectural and planning organization of hotels of different periods of construction are given.
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