


green roof


In this article the main problem of traditional horizontal roof modernization in building is discussed. Building sector is one of the most important and the great consumer of energy recourses not only in Ukraine but in the other countries. Many scientists and designers in the world discuss this problem and look for ways to solve the problem of reduce resource and energy intensity in construction industry.

Horizontal roof very often needs repairs and renovation. Also this roof is not very efficiency, because necessary to spend more energy resources for its exploitation. Much of the heat energy lost occurs of the external enclosing structures, in particular horizontal roof. Therefore, this kind of roof must reconstruction. One of the most efficiency methods of roof reconstruction is green roof. In developed countries green roof is very popular, unlike in Ukraine. Green roof has higher thermal indicators and ecological effect. Also main advantages and disadvantages of green roof are presented.

The legislative regulation of horizontal roof constructions is analysed. The development of modern construction in terms of energy efficiency and energy saving should take place in green roofs improvement. First of all, it concerns the introduction of new types enclosing structures that are characterized by an increased level of thermal resistance.

Author Biographies

Vaciliy Serdyuk, Vinnytsia national technical university

d.t.s.,  professor of Сonstruction, Urban  Planning and Architecture department

Tetyana Serdyuk, Vinnytsia national technical university

PhD,  assistant of Сonstruction, Urban  Planning and Architecture department

Svitlana Franyshina, Vinnytsia national technical university

postgraduate student of the Сonstruction, Urban Planning and Architecture department


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Abstract views: 24



How to Cite

V. Serdyuk, T. Serdyuk, and S. Franyshina, “MODERN DIRECTIONS OF GREEN ROOF MODERNIZATION”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 30–36, Dec. 2020.






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