energy saving, swimming pool, air conditioningAbstract
Nowadays the construction of large public multifunctional buildings has become widely used in construction: of shopping and entertainment centers and water parks. These buildings have large pools. Pools are used for swimming, competitions and performances of athletes. The main dangers in the operation of the pools are the moisture and apparent heat that, due to improper use of climatic equipment, cause the destruction of fencing structures, the "greenhouse effect" and the overheating of energy for heating the water. That is why it is important to study of the peculiarities of the formation of energy-efficient microclimate of the basins.
The article deals with approaches of the formation the energy-efficient microclimate of swimming pools. The importance of maintaining the temperature and relative humidity of internal air of public pools is substantiated. The energy resources savings are determined by using an integrated approach to energy efficiency.
The formation of energy-efficient microclimate of public basins requires detailed calculation of wet releases to the air space. In addition to traditional energy saving measures (thermal insulation, energy utilization), considerable attention should be paid to the processes of maintaining temperature and relative humidity of the internal air: excessive relative humidity leads to a lack of comfort of stay, reduced - promotes intensive moisture distribution. Using the right air distribution and removal schemes, air handling and automatic control will significantly improve the energy efficiency of the process of forming the indoor climate of the swimming pools.
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