hydromodule, emitter power, microwave emitterAbstract
In the article conducted the engineering design and verification calculation, the standardization of the work of extraction machines, the most important of them calculation of mass transfer. Engineering calculation defines basic and constructive parameters of the device of the given productivity at recommended modes. The design parameters include the geometric dimensions of the apparatus and the number of microwave emitters.
The modes include the hydromodule and the power of the emitter.
In the design calculation for a given product and solvent, the value of the hydromodule and the time of the process are selected. Then the amount of raw material and solvent and the required volume of the extractor is determined. According to the adopted magnitude of the specific power of the microwave intensifier, the total power and the number of radiators are determined. The condition of the material balance determines the final concentration of the extract.
The obtained constructive parameters are the initial data for the verification of the apparatus in which specifies the time of the process and, accordingly, the productivity of the apparatus. If the resulting performance does not meet the task, then the size of the device and the power of the microwave emitters are specified. The generalized structure of the calculation algorithm is presented in the figure.
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