



business centers, business parks, classification of business centers, city-planning organization, spatial and spatial solutions, planning structure, combined planning, specialized premises, round tables, ceremonial events, flexible planning


The article clarifies the content of the concept of "business centers", "business parks". The relevance of architectural rice is determined. An important functional difference between business centers and business parks was recorded. The preconditions of the emergence of business centers are determined. The classification on the basis of which "business centers", "business centers" and "business parks" are formed are presented. Each class is described for their suitability for business centers. Examples of business centers in Kyiv and Vinnytsia for different classes are considered. Differences between classes are given. The value of each class in certain functional areas of cities is determined. Formed the task for designing business centers, which are further included in the system. The main processes, which take place in foreign and domestic business centers, are singled out. The basic functions which are necessary for a full-fledged existence of business centers are revealed. Two main planning schemes are defined that form the volumetric-spatial and planning structures of business centers. Compliance with the requirements of combined planning is considered. The basic groups of premises, which should be designed in business centers, are revealed. The types of activities that are most often held in business centers are given. The decision on rational accommodation of groups of premises is proposed, depending on the activities being carried out. A table is drawn up with the dependence of links between the main and auxiliary premises in business centers. The most desired and necessary connections between groups are determined. Features of urban planning, functional and planning formation are considered. The modern level of development of business centers is analyzed. The basic principle of spatial construction of business centers is given. The most modern and basic principle of creating a universal and space-capable transformation is revealed. The use of flexible planning is proposed.

Author Biographies

Victor Kovalskiy, Vinnytsia National Technical University

associate Professor of Planning and Architectureof Vinnytsia National Technical University

Oleksandr Tereschenko, Vinnitsa national technical university

candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor

Olena Shamraieva, Vinnytsia National Technical University

student of Vinnytsia National Technical University


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Abstract views: 61



How to Cite

V. Kovalskiy, O. Tereschenko, and O. Shamraieva, “FEATURES OF BUSINESS CENTERS FORMATION”, СучТехнБудів, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 122–128, Feb. 2019.






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